Pinterest and other mania

A few of you have already discovered my recent advent onto the Pinterest boards. When the nosy, gossipy, poser known as Facebook asked: What’s happening? I made my reluctant confession.

What’s happening Facebook? Glad you asked. thanks to Marisa, and several others, I have succumbed to peer pressure and personalized a Pinterest.

Yes, it is true. I avoided it for over a year. I was intimidated by it. All the crafty, talented, creative, and beautiful people on the interwebs were posting all of these things that showed off skill, passion, humor, and inspiration. The Muses have evolved into the 21st Century and Occupy Pinterest.

I considered myself museless. Seeing all the things that I had never learned to do, had the patience for, or believed could ever be part of who I am was as dissatisfying and disheartening as window shopping and Sears-booking. If you have to ask what Sears-booking is, well, you are way too young. However, I won’t hold that against you.

Sears-booking is what people did before internet, cable television, and malls. Families would obtain a Sears catalog, once a year I believe, and it would become their window to the world outside of their homespun existence. It may have been the first concentrated marketing effort to convince people that their lives and what they had in them wasn’t enough. In 1894, a time when the household management was the woman’s domain, clothes were crafted from homespun cloth, sewn with detailed attention and love to last from one child to the next, and the next, and the next, to be saved for the following generations, the Sears book was the inspiration for making new patterns, implementing do-it-yourself innovations in the home, and the wishlist of the entire household.

The 1943 Sears News Graphic wrote that the Sears catalog, “serves as a mirror of our times, recording for future historians today’s desires, habits, customs, and mode of living.” ~ History of the Sears Catalog

It sounds a lot like Pinterest to me.

But I digress.

The point is this. I avoided Facebook for years believing that I had no place in that sphere with my depression, self-imposed isolation, and complete loss of passion and interest in life. One incredibly devastating and traumatizing event happened, in a series of such events, in my life and as a result I located my father, whom I had not seen since I was less than a year old, and a connected with a sister who had suspected of my existence when I’d had no knowledge of hers. At her urging, I joined Facebook. It was the second step in this journey of healing and recovery I embarked on in 2010.

I’m realizing I have believed these lies about all the things I’m NOT over the truth about all the things I AM. The power of believing, not just believing but immersing myself in them for so long has been similar to the pickling process (as I understand it). It took a pure, firm, healthy cucumber and transformed it into a smaller, wrinkled, more sour version of itself. It’s tasty for those who like pickles, but probably not a whole lot of fun for the cucumber, if a cucumber had feelings, that is. Writing this analogy just gave me a new revelation and understanding. The end result is not bad, it just means the cucumber has been transformed by it’s experiences and is different than it once was, but it’s purpose is the same: So it is with me.

AH HA!!!!!

Back to Pinterest. A day or so ago (I lose track, insomnia will do that to a person) Amy West, a bloggess extraordinaire I met through Le Clown’s blog, A Clown on Fire, with her post, “Zen and the Art of Blogging,” put out a Facebook feeler to see if any other bloggers who were mom’s wanted to participate in an an ongoing project with our children and art and blog about our activities, as a way of getting more engaged and connected to our children and our creativity. I volunteered, though my bleary eyes initially thought her broadcasted request had said it didn’t involve art or children. Yeah, insomnia will do that too. Pinterest is part of the process, optional, but still part of the process. When it comes to this blogging and social media thing, I’m starting to adopt the attitude of, “Go big or go home.

Speaking of going home . . .

It seems as though we are looking for a new one. If we get the one I found on Craigslist last night, Mr. Jade will have his new home in the same place ours will be; on the bank of the Umpqua River in rural Oregon close to the coast. It will be a five mile walk down a graveled drive with only five or so neighbors to reach the main road, which is a State Route. A wood stove for heat (I’ve never had that before, a little scared) and my only access to the outside world will be the internet and Direct TV service provided by the landlord.

For years I’ve lamented not being the domesticated woman of yesteryear and being capable of scratch cooking and homesteading activities like organic gardening and fallen into the easy excuse of fibro-fatigue and convenience reheating and mixing of pouches, boxes, and processed foods. Initially we will be without a vehicle, as I have been for the past couple of years. There is also no public transit system within walking distance since the main road will be five miles away. Therefore, Keith and I are in talks about postponing his hearing aids so I can get a freezer to place on the 60′ covered deck and stocking up on non-perishables, frozen meat, fruits, and veggies and equipping me with the necessary tools to cook and bake, as well as household necessities. It will be sink or swim and I’m determined not to sink. So, Pinterest and other internet resources to guide me in the process, here I come!

Prayers and positive thoughts about us getting this place and making this move within the next 30 – 45 days will be very welcome and much appreciated.


  1. Saw you on Pinterest and immediately followed you. I’m still a very occasional user.

    Good to see you making positive changes about where you fit online. You go girl.


    1. Tasha,
      So nice to see you! Sorry it took a while to reply – it’s been a difficult week for me.

      I did notice you connected to my Pinterest account. It kind of baffled me at first, but I think I’m sort of getting the hang of board creation and pinning, even if I still feel overwhelmed when looking at the boards of others.

      I appreciate your encouragement and enthusiasm.



  2. WOW!!!
    Great observations about Pinterest and the catalogues of yesteryear. I still do this with the IKEA catalogue.
    Living closer to the land, simply, can be very healing and nourishing. It’s a big adjustment but I believe you can do the things you say you want to do. It might take time….don’t be discouraged. In a way, I envy your situation. The choice is made for you….


    1. Sara,
      I knew I’d fallen behind and delayed on replying to comments, but didn’t realize how far gone I was until I saw I’d let yours slip by. . .

      Ikea, yes! I did that the first year Ikea came to Portland. I had all these grand designs and plans for transforming my tiny little two-bedroom space into something spectacular. Didn’t happen.

      As for the move, I really don’t know if/when/how that’s going to happen. It has recently been brought to my attention that Cyclothemia (a “mild” form of and possible precursor to bipolar II) may be a factor in my life. It is during the “mania” moments when I go into overdrive and create grand plans for making drastic and unreasonable changes seem like the best ideas ever – like moving into the country, to live in total isolation, without transportation, and no connection to anyone who could be contacted and accessible in an emergency while I have days I can barely walk and I need to keep Luna safe. Yeah, that.




  3. I’m addicted to Pinterest! I have a funny feeling it might be a good therapy for hoarders? I also think by looking at someone’s boards you can tell a lot about them, right?


    1. AGL,
      At this point I’m just a bit overwhelmed every time I look at someone’s profile and they have a gajillion boards with a gazillion pins. That’s just those I know personally or the few bloggers I’ve connected with. The thought of trying to follow new people and their boards…whewQ



  4. Pinterest…pickles…house!

    Love the idea of Pinterest…looks cool, great idea and a fantastic way way of killing a few hours. BUT…I cannot get into it fully! Have tried, am trying, will try…but it looks a dead cause. We’ll see.

    Pickles…love ’em, in all shapes and varying sizes. If there was one food I would take to a desert island, it would be pickles. The ‘Real Mckenzies’ even wrote a song about them (an acquired musical genre)…but here’s the link (have no idea if links work in comments, but here goes anyway)

    Wish you well in your house moving ventures, I have experience in that 🙂 Good luck…hate moving though after 89 times in a year (slight exaggeration)…

    Lastly, follow what you believe is right. If you want to feel down and shit…then that is your right to do so, accept no pressure from others to feel good about yourself. When you realise you’ve had enough of the low times, then be proactive within your social circle and family. I’ve been there, it’s a miserable place…but only you can get yourself out of there…when ‘you’ want!

    I’ll see you around Kina…


    1. Slappp,
      Pinterest, yeah, well, it’s a bit overwhelming, as I explained to Pam. As for whether I’ll really become a Pinner, check out my reply to Cate. I see my use of it most to link the appropriate content from this blog to it in order to cross promote and open up to new readers, maybe learn some new skills. I certainly don’t see me whiling away hours beyond the initial setting up. However, we shall see what we shall see.

      Pickles. I don’t have a thing against pickles, well I really do not enjoy the Bread and Butter kind. I was simply referring to the process and how it affects the character, form, and flavor of the cucumber. There is transformation and there is change. That change would not be comfortable for the cucumber to go through if it had feelings as we do. That was my point. My AH HA moment was recognizing that the pickle is as good for eating and its enjoyment as the cucumber is. The character and shape may have changed, but the purpose remained the same.

      “If you want to feel down and shit…then that is your right to do so, accept no pressure from others to feel good about yourself.”

      Yay! Somebody gets it. I am working through the things I need to work through at the pace I am able in the ways I can manage and figuring out how to incorporate the things I’ve learned and am learning. It’s a process, not an event and it gets frustrating and more than a little annoying at times to have a first or second time reader catch one of my less positive posts and tell me to change my thinking and I’ll get better.



  5. I’m sending you lots of positive thoughts about the house! If you need any help on the cooking/baking front, feel free to come to me! I’m the ‘typical’ domesticated Pinterest woman. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be!

    I did, however, go ahead and follow you on Pinterest 😉


    1. Pam,
      I noticed that. I’m totally overwhelmed looking at all the number of boards people have. I’m scared to click that follow all boards button for any single one of you guys, it literally is making my throat close a little thinking about it. I feel bad about not being all reciprocal, but the overwhelm of it all is a bit much for me yet.

      Thanks for following. I will definitely be lurking around when it comes to acquiring the skills to become a domesticated female as opposed the the not quite feral one I am now.



      1. You’ll get to a point where you’ll feel comfortable. I used to use pinterest all day every day. Now I get on every other day or so, look through things, pin 5 or so recipes/projects, and that’s that.

        Did you know that I have a cooking blog, too? I’m all over the interwebs. That’s another downfall of mine… I spend too much time online.


        1. Pam,
          So sorry for the delayed response – bad week for me. Anyway, I think I need to read your cooking blog. What’s the URL?

          I can certainly identify with too much electronic/digital interfacing. However, we could be doing much worse things, right? We are giving and receiving benefit and building relationships – at least part of the time, yeah?

          Be well,


          1. It’s My friend and I both post there!

            That is true. I mean, I could be spending my time on the streets doing drugs or watching mindless tv. Instead, I’m here interacting with all you awesome people!


  6. I think I must be the only woman on the planet who just can not get into Pinterest. It bores me senseless, but hey, we’re all different and it sounds like something you are going to enjoy… so have fun. Great news on the new house. I hope it works out for you and isn’t too much for you on the fibro front. And I hope you have lots of help shifting. Good luck!


    1. Cate,
      To be perfectly honest, at this point I’m just using it to connect with and cross-promote some of the things that I’m doing on this blog, in conjunction with other bloggers. The photo/poetry/prose things I’m doing on Six Word Friday, perhaps the Author Interviews, and as I try to do more digitally creative things with Bloggers for Peace and Blog for Mental Health 2013.

      Getting through the sign up process and having to choose boards to follow was tortuous, because it feels like an unnecessary chore in order to create an account. By connecting with those I already know and value for their blog content or skill/knowledge/interest in my personal life, will be working on building those existing relationships in the context of the world as it is instead of the world as I would have it be.

      I seriously thought I was the last hold out.



  7. Awe sweetie, you need to grab yourself a copy of “The Secret” and take some time to sit and watch it. You’ll feel so differently about yourself, Pinterest, Facebook, and the world around you. 🙂


    1. Sophie,
      Please see my reply to Cherise. I had no intention of denigrating the pickle. I enjoy a good, cold, crisp, juicy, Kosher Dill (can’t stand the Bread and Butter). It was merely the process I was thinking of.



  8. I had to laugh at your cucumber/pickle thoughts! I love your aha moment, but I kind of gather you must not care for pickles. 😉 My homemade pickles look and taste nothing like your description, hence my giggles. You know I’ll be here to hold your hand if you do indeed make the transition to country living. It’s gonna be tough on you all, but if you stick to it and muddle through, I promise it will be worth it!


    1. Cherise,
      There have been pickles I have enjoyed, some I have loathed (bread and butter) and the rest I could take or leave. However, I am always open to trying new things and I’m certain yours are totally yummy. I honestly wasn’t trying to denigrate pickles, I was simply referring to how the process of pickling transforms it. My Ah Ha moment was when I realized that pickles are, in fact, things with purpose, place, and pleasure, thus the ending of that section. I suppose I might need to clarify that, since I seem to have offended some pickle fans, lol.

      I will definitely count on your knowledge, encouragement, and support in making the transition. I would say the idea of all that isolation is daunting, except that I’m pretty isolated in my urban cave and I am feeling the itch to walk and live in nature, which I’ve never done before.



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