About Me

What does Human In Recovery Mean?

Who is Kina Diaz DeLeon?

Disclaimers, Disclosures, etc.

Introductions: The important people in my life

Notes from my facebook page

Experiments in Health and Wellness

Connect to Kina


      1. Hi Kina
        That’s no problem, I know how you feel, I seem to have just enough time to post the odd thing, but replying to comments and reading Blogs of others seems to be a real chore.
        I hope you are all well.


  1. My apologies!

    You visited my blog to learn How to Clone Your Blog with WP Twin and I noticed I had video #2 showing instead of video #1. I bet you were confused. I know I would have been!

    I’m sorry for the oversight. I burned the midnight oil and didn’t check the video before going to bed.

    I hope you can find the time to view the proper video. It will make much more sense, because it’s step 1 in the cloning process! LOL

    You’ll find it here:

    Thanks for listening, and again my apologies!


    1. No worries. I actually didn’t watch the video yet. Based on the description before the video there are some things I need to gather together. So, I saved it to my Chrome bookmarks to be able to use later.


    1. Thank you. I appreciate it very much. I’m a bit backlogged on my award acceptance posts, but may get to it eventually. In the meantime, just know that I am very honored and thankful.


Your feedback, thoughts, and input are appreciated.